3 Layers of Leadership ebook
We all need good leaders. I think this ebook can help.
Are you a church planter desperate to find leaders?
Are you in a new ministry area, wondering where you will get people to help carry the weight?
Are you aspiring to leadership in the church and don’t know if you have what it takes?
This is nothing new and you don’t have to figure it out by yourself.
Titus was in this same situation on the island of Crete. As a new church planter he was faced with the task of developing leaders in a hard environment. Paul, who originally brought Titus to Crete, wrote to him telling him what leaders look like, charging him with the responsibility of developing leaders.
The first thing Paul is concerned about, writing to this new church planter, is developing leaders. That’s his first priority. And it ought to be ours.
3 Layers of Leadership is a short ebook that looks at Paul’s instructions to Titus and applies these biblical truths to today. There’s the family layer, the personal layer, and the truth layer. This e-book walks through these areas in a practical way.
If you’re in need of leaders (and who isn’t?!) you need to know what kind of leaders you ought to appoint and what areas you should focus on when discipling future leaders.