We all have a calling in this world.
Coaching helps us discover what it is and how to work it out.
As we are on the road to living out of our God-given calling, there are always barriers in our way.
Moving to a new country, planting a church, being wrongly accused and going through a trial…I know what a barrier can feel like. I’ve also been the grateful recipient of good coaching along the way. In fact, I found coaching so helpful in my journey, I spent two years getting training in how to coach others.
It’s been a joy to be a part of others’ stories, unearthing their gifts and helping them live out of their calling.
Often the people I’ve coached have been in some kind of transition in their lives: a career change, a new venture, leaning more into a ministry role, moving to a new country. I especially love being able to walk people through what it means to be an effective cross cultural missionary. It might just be that God has put these big questions on our hearts so we would discover more of His.
Missionary Launching
Missionary Launching is a 9 month programme that enables people to discover God’s unique calling in their lives in the context of God’s global mission.
Through remote video calls and a week long residential intensive, you will be part of cohort of people unearthing their calling, asking the big questions, and getting the practical followup needed to be a part of the earth reflecting more of heaven.
Each session has tried and tested exercises to help get the clarity you need in order to live more into how God has created you and how you fit into His global mission.
If you have ever wondered if being a missionary is more than a good idea, let’s talk and see if Missionary Launching would be helpful for you.
The Programme
There are 12 sessions across 6 group Zoom meetings and a one week residential intensive in Manchester, England.
Session 1 – Your Life Stories (provides context; surfaces passions)
Session 2 – Gospel Enneagram (character; marriage (if married); repentance pathway)
Session 3 – Motivated Abilities (giftedness assessment; your top life events)
Session 4 – Giftedness Role Statement & Metaphor
Session 5 – Personal Vision (in Manchester)
Session 6-10 – specific contextualisation exercises and feedback (in Manchester)
Session 11 – Opportunities (options in the short-term)
Session 12 – Creating a Game Plan & Evaluating the Coaching Relationship
The Cost
The biggest cost is time. This programme requires a commitment to spend time ahead of the sessions, to make the cohort meetings, and of course, the time away in Manchester. There is also a financial cost. I’ve never had a situation where finances stopped someone from participating, and talking about the financial cost is always an open conversation.
About Me
I am a coach with People Launching and have worked one to one with people in person and on Zoom. I’ve been specifically trained to help coach people in this area of calling and gifts. I have moved to another country with my family, planted a church, and have coached others in ministry, some of whom have moved to other countries as well. You can read more about me here.
Is Missionary Launching For You?
Over all my years in ministry I have seen people try and live outside their calling. They often don’t perform well, feel stuck, and it leads to a less enjoyable life overall. It’s not a fun place to be and God’s mission slows down because of it.
But for those who take the time to discover and ask God these questions, God has delivered every single time, without exception. God has put these questions in our hearts so that we will discover more of Him in the process.
Let’s start that process together.